It's almost a guarantee...


It’s almost a guarentee...

So, how far is too far for you?

What do you like?

Are you a human being?

Are you a human being with integrity?

Do human beings even exist anymore?

If no, what have human beings evolved into, and what does this mean to the


That forever dumb age-old question that has me stopping the video it’s being asked on and putting on some goofy Donald Trump comedy video………to which there are many on YouTube.

I still hurt.

I still hurt like Kanye hurts in track “Back to me” on Vultures 1. An album I have been deep diving into for a few days now. After seeing his documentary War, then hearing the demo of this album and recognising that the Backstreet Boys song has been pulled. That, plus many strange lyrics that shoot in and out of these tracks. It has me thinking of a bigger meaning Ye is sending out to us, Or maybe he’s having a break from all that and just being real?

And I’m sure that bigger meaning, if there was one, would come to no surprise to anyone who knows Ye well. Right now, and for a long time, Ye has been all about the JUSTICE, underneath everything he does politically is a justice sanctioned.

Going back to ancient Athens BC, with Socrates and Plato, human beings have sort justice in all forms in western society. This is because in western society the main government had never been just. Why?

Whether you can answer that or not, (and I urge you to give it a try in the comment section) since the dawn of time, justice has been an unjustifiably subjective concept.

However, that’s like saying PAIN is subjective, right? Justice can’t be subjective! It’s the difference between a human being losing 10 years of their life or not. When time is on the line like that, there’s no room for alternative surprise (made up) opinions. You would think….

In any case, we would be wrong in saying that the term justice is agreed upon among the human race between different cultures and eras across time, because it obviously is not.

I do believe Socrates came pretty close to the true meaning, which is truth and not knowing. To be just is to be true. As true as you can be, and to be true means to learn firstly how to stop lying to yourself. Everyone is in a healthy amount of denial, but we must stop lying to ourselves and find the tools to work how to not lie to ourselves as a first priority in life, aka. Confirmation bias, critical thinking, research, evidence from primary sources if available, secondary next and so on, measurable evidence, statistical significance, cognitive dissonance and straight up mental illness. If you learn those things and how they work within your life, that would be a good start.

However, people rather read the bible than care what crazy old Socrates had to say. Socrates, has become one of those names we all take for granted at this point, but he MUST be your starting point if you are to start your journey through the Cave Spectrum.

(Also if you plan to live a just life within western culture, Socrates and Plato’s hypotheses, if not theories, still are relevant and used against us, I assume these days. However, the more educated you are in the building blocks of justice within western culture, which starts with Socrates and The Republic, the more ahead of their game you will be. And of course, it is not their game at all).

I have explained the Cave Spectrum before and if you are totally oblivious to it, then watch a short YouTube video on The Parable of the Cave By Plato.

Is there a just place that you sit on that spectrum?

Here is a break-down of the symptoms one displays when at each tier of the spectrum, there are only five official ones.



  1. You think ignorance is bliss

  2. You like having people tell you what to do with your life, you don’t or can’t make your own decisions.

  3. You can’t finish anything

  • You have never been in love

S.2.C -

  1. You have found some insight into what life may have to offer and this has made you want to explore deeper

  2. You have come to some low grade clarity that not everything we see, we should believe

  3. You understand that people lie

  4. You feel the need to move away from the comforts of the cave


  1. You start to travel out of the cave towards the light

  2. you are in very deep pain

  3. You feel extremely uncomfortable and alone

  4. You feel everyone around you is more knowing than you are

  5. You play tough and get on with it anyway


  1. You understand that if you notice everything and better yet are in AWE OF EVERYTHING, you know you will be in contact with the dimensions that run by us all the time

  2. You understand who you are and what being a human being means.

  3. You see in vivid colour awake.

  4. You have killed your ego

  5. You have learnt that being alone is not lonely, it’s natural.

  6. You realise you are a monster, and we all are monsters.

  7. You have been undergoing some kind of healing to withstand the rejection of the cave people once back inside it.


  1. You want to become a wise human being by passing down the knowledge of what lies above the cave to the rest of the people still in the cave

  2. You have met your soul mate or your twin flame or both.

  3. You dedicate your life to influencing the cave people that are imprisoning themselves with trickery is not living and to leave with you. In whatever way you choose to do this.

  4. You have endured some very dark days during this process, and perhaps even a war with your ego/twin flame.

  5. You have faced all the main fears in life except one……….letting go.


Those are the main aspects of the Cave Spectrum, and beyond that is a personal journey that is going to involve tearing up your personal algorithm of death and start writing your new algorithm of reincarnation.

Start acknowledging your failures as stepping stones to a better you and………wait, I’m starting to annoy myself, gah! When did I become a motivational speaker? I felt like Henry Rollins for a second there. Bad thing.

In saying that, from one in-sighted-ish cave man to another, my advice over all would be to let go of ALL cynicism and don’t let the billionaires destroy you.

You get the point…


Do tests.

(Understand Myself is a great one, just click the link). Also, the big 5 can be insightful and Jung’s archetypes test. Also, and most importantly, read Freud. I started with Mourning and Melancholia, it will be one of the better things you do before you die).

Theoretically, do CBT with a psychologist or step four at N.A, talk to a therapist, talk about everything in your life, don’t hold any one thing to shame. NO SHAME, it’s definitely how I live my life. I’m not perfect, and the one fear I remain to have shame dripping in, is the fear that I won’t respect my own boundaries. I will self-sadise until the end of my life. However, I have stopped sadising others, waiting for my turn. This worked with kindness, I’m sure it will work with self-sadisng.

When’s it going to be my turn?………………Don’t forget me.

High infidelity
Put on your records and regret me
I bent the truth too far tonight
I was dancing around, dancing around it

High infidelity
Put on your headphones and burn my city
Your picket fence is sharp as knives
I was dancing around, dancing around it

Do you really want to know where I was April 29?

(I was always thinking about him)

It was strange, I’d say, “go hang out with young fun people, I’m fucking boring. Why are you just sitting there hanging out with me??”

I’d watch him and think, how did I get into this predicament?

But before we went out one night, I stopped him one time and said, “I know, I know, I know that you hate me.” Later that night, I saved his life.

(If you weren’t mine, I’d be jealous of your love).

This may contain: four different colored images of a woman's face

Vivian V

Copyright Danica Conwell 2024 All rights reserved

None of the pictures are mine I do not own them and did not make ot take them. They were legally obtained from a popular website.

The music I did not make and does not belong to me.

The music belongs to Kanye West and his buiness/record label

Lana Del Rey’s song belongs to her and also her business/record label ect.

Lana and Kanye are my musical mother and father. GIVE ME THE STRENGTH. OH LORD, HOW I HAE TRIED.

Where are you on the cave spectrum? Comment below.

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and don’t miss out on the unpredictability of the Predator Podcast with Vivian V. Updates almost weekly and always interactive. Im trying to give you a voice to just be you for 10 seconds ana understand this will only lead to beauty.

(like Henry Rollins, I’m a real cream puff, ha).




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