

and so is copyright, trigger warnings, men ect...



The video above is censored but is still NSFW FYI





If the old testament was published today, it would probably be cancelled. Why do I find the Old Testament to be interesting? I have no fucking idea. But I do.

I never stop referring back to Adam and Eve and the Genesis story, also Noah, Jobe and the Book of Judges. I don’t know much about the New Testament, I’m not actually religious at all.

I similarly love and refer to The Parable of the Cave (the thing the Matrix takes their story from, yuh, now we on the same page lol), by Plato in book The Republic, which if you read this blog often, would know, I refer back to for FUCKING everything.

Although, the cave parable is a lot less known than I’d like it to be, so referring back to it for so many life lessons can fall flat for most people. If it doesn’t fall flat, then there’s also a lot of people who outright disagree with Plato’s ideas as well, including the cave, and they will dismiss my references. So, I don’t have too much luck with that metaphor, but I can’t stop. It tells my life too well! (FYI, I’ve left the cave, felt the bliss, and I’m now at war back down in the cave, been there for QUITE SOME TIME now).

However, fair enough, I understand why there are people who dislike Plato’s concepts. They stem from a man who was a public masturbator named Socrates, who annoyingly questioned people until they admitted they knew nothing, for fun, stressing them out. He hung around a lot of little boys and I assume groomed most of them aka. He was a pedo. Plato, was included in that group I assume. Socrates, also couldn’t read or write, this is why Plato did it all “for him.”

And Socrate’s most famous quote is, “I only know that I know nothing.”

”Erm, then why are we listening to you then?” - Verity.

TBH, I’m not listening to Socrates on much, except the cave parable. It is genius, and I assume comes from Plato, not Socrates. Plato, unlike Socrates, was quite a smart person who basically started the idea of psychology. (Even if it was a bit female hating in theory, but what isn’t, still today).

Aristotle then came along afterwards, and he started to qualify Plato’s psychology-esque theories, starting what we now know as the scientific method (check reference, but I’m quite sure this is how the story goes, but I’m pretty sure).

However, Aristotle had to part ways with Plato, his main teacher, in order to allow his scientific ideas to take a more theoretical form, because they had some kind of disagreement. Aristotle probably had to part ways with Plato, because he said the truth about why Socrate’s was killed. Aristotle couldn’t stand the gigantic pink elephant in the room anymore.

“Socrates died because he wouldn’t change his ideas for mainstream ones!” - Plato.

“No, he was killed because he was a pedo who masturbated in public…” - Aristotle.

“GET OUT!” - Plato.

I assume it went something like that.

Censorship! Has been plaguing me since I started a mainstream social media platform, namely my YouTube channel Animasia Manga Fan Gurlz. There are SO MANY RULES. I got flagged for one of my videos apparently provoking violence to children!! I watched the video in question and went, “yeah I don’t see it.” *Appeal* - *Rejected* - Please take this course on what is and isn’t child abuse. Not kidding, I had to do such a short course. Funny thing is, I have the exact same video still up on my YouTube page in a slightly different format that their algorithm hasn’t picked up on!

Oh, and I also don’t EVER want to provoke harm to children and don’t remember ever doing so, that little element also needs to be considered, please. NOPE!

I read a manga called Stray Cat and Wolf, about a 16 yr old girl living and having a relationship with a 22 yr old male, I didn’t write it, and that hasn’t got pulled up! Just this short that featured scenes from a controversial manga series and Anime called A Girl and Her Guard Dog, which I’m sure has been some what banned or cancelled in the west, only because it seems when I display it on any social media platform, its flagged indirectly.

It’s about a 17 yr old boy who is made to raise this little girl who’s parents were killed when she was 12 yrs old . The parents were involved in gang wars, and so this guy is a gang member also. So he raises her and has basically been in love with her the whole time and now she is 16 and he is 25 and she has tits now, so he has started to move in sexually pretty aggressively now. Luckily! She is also in love with him,w because he is a hot pedo. So they all live happily ever after.

Again, I didn’t write it (I’d be a lot richer if I had).

Here is the opening credits for the anime, they are quite confusing and strangely upbeat for such a more darker themed anime. I mean its really REALLY scarily upbeat.


Good Anime though and good manga. I get why it’s a popular shojo, but it is 100% promoting harm to children. I’m not going to mince words around that. Personally, I would never have written this story, because I do not think about harming children or think about children in any way sexual whatsoever, because I think children are gross.

I didn’t write that to YouTube, maybe I should have.

In any case I just sent all my paid members of this Substack who are instantly now members of my uncensored smut webtoon/manhwa and manga video club, the first uncensored smut video narration! I could not find a video host for them publicly, and I’m not tech savvy enough to create a website. So I decided to just email all the members the uncensored videos as they become available instead, because censored smut narration is kind of silly. It’s like listening to DMX censored, just one long beeeeeeeeeeeeep.

The video I posted today on Substack is the censored version if manhwa Talk To Me that is a favourite and a main narration of ours, so you can understand what I mean if you have seen it. There are a few more available on my YouTube channel, and a few episodes of Stray Cat and Wolf.

I’ve had to take down a lot of the narrations I had up, and now have to re-upload them to comply with copyright laws. Which is a bitch, but it’s kind of like Taylor Swift re-releasing all her music again, later in her career, and selling more than the first time they were released. I have a lot more subs now, and it is guiding the newbies to narrations I did when I had 5 subs. It’s a pretty good business strategy.

I’d prefer not to have to do it, tbh, copyright is ANNOYING but necessary, obviously. I was advised by my YouTube manager to only upload four videos MAX a week, two if I can help it. So this has been a good way to do that, and drip feed the manga narration back out to the public.


And it’s not a SEX CULT blog without mentioning either Taylor Swift or Lana Del Rey, the incels will tell ya! “All you do is ramble about Taylor Swift all the time!” Was a blog review I got from one of them. I’m thinking, if you hate me so much, why are you reading my blog at all?

I’ll tell you one thing, it’s the haters that make you in the end, not the fans. You will have very few fans compared to haters. Most people are going to hate you, in my opinion. Your job as a artist or creator or woman, is to work out how to use their hate to your advantage.

Hasan Abi from Twitch, a well known content creator and political commentator, does it quite well in real time. So does Taylor Swift for that matter, she just wrote an album featuring many songs referring to how much her fans actually hate her and vice versa. Which they then sing a long too and scream for and buy. Taylor 1, Haters ZERO.

Enjoy the censored smut, if you prefer to see it uncensored, I couldn’t publicly upload it anywhere so if you subscribe to a paid tier of this blog you will receive all the uncensored versions directly to your email as they become available and Ill be doing a lot, because Talk 2 Me is one of my main narrations and it has A LOT OF R RATED CONTENT, every chapter, and theres 160 chapters, so we got a lot of audio visual smut to come! FUN! It is my fave category next to shojo for manga/manhwa. It’s more real, and written and drawn so well.

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Love Verity & DJ Foxy/Moron

Happy mondays!

A Nunz Rezentment Productions PTY LTD

SEX CULT BLOG and Uncensored Manga video club xxxoxooxxox



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