NOTE: use the transcript to read Vervaeke’s points of discussion if you can not hear them too well.
It’s an omen
Man and his symbols .....
This is a VLOG. Dialogue will follow it.
CARL JUNG AND MAN’S SEARCH FOR SOUL. Including symbols, synchronicities, religion, transcendence and dreams.
I am rolling out my summer school course on Jan 4th. I’ll be taking Checkmate through the deep dark depths of his own damn self with the strict academic study of a man who has now been disproven as a scientist but APP-proven as a man, Carl Jung.
I have my criticisms of Jung, but this course is not about me, it’s been tailored to support men in getting to that next level of thinking without any confusion or suffering. Instead, with awe, noticing, being and beauty. Dreams do come true, look at me babe, I got you.
If you want to join the course, it goes for only 5 weeks, so short and sweet and packed with life reforming knowledge especially for men. There will be 1 lecture and one dialogue a week during this time. You will be required to complete 1 essay as the major asssignment, marked by me and a two other peers. That’s it, just sit back and have fun! Just get the knowledge.
It will cost $5 only! Texts WILL be provided, you dont have to buy anything. And the books we will be covering are: “Synchronicity: An A-causal Connecting Principal.” & “Writings on Spirituality and Transcendence.”
Last and most notably….
“Modern Man in Search of a Soul” which WILL be the last book we will have a lecture on and dialogue about.
I have studied philosophy of Western Civilisation for many years, mainly focussed on Plato, Socrates, Aristotle and Luce Irigaray. But I have also studied psychology, Shakesphere, and Tesla. I have also studied Psychological science for many years, Freud is one of my favourite writers and psychologists. I’m excited to dive into the Carl Jung literature with you for a slightly more conceptual view of human behaviour. SIGN UP, SEE YOU JAN 4TH. This course will only be made available to the paid subs and anyone who signs up from now until Jan 4, census date is Jan 9. xxx
The first texts you will need - GET A HEAD START and preview into the content.
This is a free e-book of “man and his symbols” or you can buy a hard copy from Amazon for $12 that will arrive before the course starts.
Here is the free e-book click link:
Synchroncity: Am A-casual connecting principle e book
Audio book version:
And this is a very informative and easily applied reading on how to construct an essay, I have written hundreds of them in my life, but I still read this and got a lot out of it. If you follow its advice, it will make essay writing a pleasure: (I swear !, I touched on how important essay writing is so that you can learn how to think, featured in the Donald Trump evol blog):
Have a go at the 16 personality types test pf Jung’s, I am a INFJ, I have been getting that for a while now. what are you, comment results!
Modern Man in Search of a Soul
Summer school JAN 4TH UNTIL THE 1ST OF FEB SUMMER 2024
Hosted by Danica Conwell.
If you just sign up for a $5 sub, or you already have, you are already in. That’s it! Easy. Can’t wait xx Just go to my chat and just add your name and email address, so I know roughly who is going to be actively pursuing the class. I know you guys aren’t all that active, but this will be a great opp, you can participate in dialogues, get one on one tutoring from me for the essay, or you can just sit back, relax and take in the vast amount of knowledge to help you find your soul or just further improve the relationship via the hypotheses of DR. Carl Jung.
Vivian V x
Copyright Danica Conwell 2023, All rights reserved
except the pictures I did not take them, I got them from a public forum. Legally.
The lecture is by John Vervaeke - I did not contribute to this lecture, all content belongs to John Vervaeke. Video from YouTube from lecture series “The Meaning Crisis.”
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