Let’s help you find it again……meaning that is.
This is an introduction to the meanign crisis lectures by John Vervaeke. I’m not starting from the beginning, I’m going through the ones I haven’t watched properly yet and I’ll only do 3 of these for Visions and you should know if you are down with the concept by then and then you can fly away and listen to all 50 of them. TRUST ME, there are worst ways you could spennd an hour a day for 50 days. Actually it’s 50 hours of your life you will never regret giving to these lectures in exchnage for the knowledge within them.
Yes philosophical academia is too high in density with white middle ages dudes, but thats always been the way and in this sector of life anyway, they have done good. Socrates is my favourite philosopher, Nietzsche second and Luce Irirgaray is third. They are all a evolved version of each other, and they were all hated by the majority. Irigaray is still alive and still hated.
The only other associted loves of my philiosophal world are Fruad, yes not a philosopher but he is in so many ways, his book on melancholia and mourning are highly prolific and STILL beyond it’s time imo.
Also I love Tesla’s philosophy on life, sure he wasn;t one either but you should read his books….he is.
And aristoitle, the creator of science as we know it today and forever will be teaching me new ways to live life better. He’s like the original self help guy. lol
The sound is a bit fucked. I have sped it up for the first 20 minutes or so to cut down the time by half and then it goes to normal for the last 15 minutes.
I am wrting notes live as it plays, if you have never taken notes before or cbf, i have it covered for you and i will post them up here tonight for you if you want to keep them, re read them. I offer insight from my own expereiences soemtimes which might make the concepts easier to grasp if you are just starting this type of thinking.
John Vervaeke is a brilliant white guy teacher though, I like how he yells at us sometiems and we not even in the room. It’s chaotic. Thats why i put it at normal speed for 10 mins so you can experience vervaeke, This is his work not mine, but I loved it the first time i saw it and wanted to introduce a new audience to it.
So here go!
VISIONS - The meaning crisis by john vervaeke, hosted by VIVIAN v
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