Part 1 and Part 2 - I have marked where Part 2 begins if you read Part 1 last blog xoxoxox
The podcast is a representation of the seeking of this power. By DJ Foxy/Moron.
So, I watched this interview this morning, obviously YouTube has been reading my WhatsApp messages, because I keep getting videos about women who have started their businesses and it’s gone wrong for them. YouTube probably has some aGENDER, to keep women in their place (I don’t know really, but it’s a bit strange that I suddenly start getting fed all these horror stories, when I’m already at the end of my rope with this start-up stress. YouTube will be there to push the chair away apparently).
There is a vast interest for labelling women (yet again), as a “witch”, manipulator, seductress ect.
There are still men out there beating their wives, children, boyfriends, girlfriends ect. However, we are focusing mainly in on male issues?
Oh the whole, “men are beating and raping their wives” story is so laborious.
Again, we are focusing on the male problem, over the female problem ie. the high suicide rates of males. Really? You don’t think women equally want to kill themselves? The rate hasn’t increased for women because IT’s ALWAYS BEEN HIGH. I’m not classified as a feminist these days because I don’t align my values with 80% of theirs, but you could mistake me for being a hardcore one still. My life revolves around the healthy evolution of women but in different ways to the feminist agenda.
However, if I talk to a male about equality in the work place, and say there obviously is an over-representation of men in basically every industry. The uneducated ones will deny it with no evidence for this response because it’s undeniable.
And the educated ones will say that women don’t want to work. I’d like to know where these educated men get that statistic, because it’s a fact that 4% of 3.5 billion dollars in venture capital went to female-run start-ups last year. (Another statistic to enthral me with hope).
By and large, I’ve let my thoughts run away with me and this was not what I intended to write about, and anyway I’ll save it for a book I’m thinking about writing (what seems like it could be a book anyway). A book on modern misogyny. I want to include the many creative ways it is playing out in society today, and the not-so-creative ways. But hey! The good old-fashioned ways still work boys…….mahahahahaww.
A non-feminist writing an extremist feminist book. Well, it is what it is.
I was GOING to write, in this blog, about a woman called Molly, and why I thought she was a lying, manipulative whore.
So, I shall continue to do so…
(jk) I was watching episode after episode yesterday of A Diary of a CEO. A show I will say is really trying not to be misogynistic. They are obviously going out of their way to represent females equally to the men they interview, which can come off patronising, however, if I write this the uneducated male will say, “you damned if you do and you damned if you don’t.” ……..No, there is a way for this to work without being patronising or misogynistic……I promise you there is.
I know this is a marketing strategy to get the females on his side, because he is young and a millionaire; one can lose touch with reality living in a dream.
Down here on earth, where there are frustrated educated women the situation isn’t so easily remedied. Alot of women would disagree with me, their response being, “well, at least he’s trying.” To that I would reply, “Have you heard of the term, “try hard.” A “try hard” never helps anything, it’s a form of people pleasing, which ACTUALLY IS a form of manipulation. (Don’t get me started on the rampant gaslighting going on at the moment).
Dr Peter Attia is a hormone doctor from America. (He is friends with Rick Rubin and is using that Andrew Huberman idiot to piggyback some traction off of; good on him). I cried (not heavily lol, just brought happy tears to my life) when I heard him criticising the dodgy science around the treatment of menopause. And No, I didn’t have PMS, I am overcome with emotion when I see extraordinary occurrences or legitimately sad things. The situation with female health is sad, women are dying because of it. But save Palestine! Your mother is a woman, your sister is a woman and this is your family, and these companies are attempting to kill them by not attending to their health issues or just not caring. There are so much unnecessary suffering from women going on out there right now. This issue will always be the most important issue.
I’m human, and I’m not a sociopath.
Dr Peter Attia describes the science around the menopause studies, the worst blunder in medical history ever (well, since hysteria and the whole burning witches thing…..However, it is just as corrupt).
This is the video that made me cry seeing a male stand up to the patriarchy for us. So well.
What is the difference between The Diary of a CEO (TDOACEO) host and Dr Peter Attia? For starters, maturity and life experience. Dr Attia is older, has daughters, and is a hormone doctor, his understanding of women and his education levels combined make for an unbiased and informed opinion on just about anything. One of the only benefits of a formal university education, if you don’t think you are born with the gift of critical thought, you have to learn to think this way, by writing essays. Some people may be born with an intellect capable of picking up this kind of thinking without education or practice, but most are not.
People in the business world deal with a different kind of smart, and it’s the kind of smart that allows you to become a millionaire and stay there, only on the up. (Mostly, but even Warren Buffet has had his bad years).
I love when millionaires say, “once you make your first million, it’s easy to make more after that.” Like they are saying something super intuitive, but really it’s quite obvious why it would be easy to make more after your first million……..Because you have a million dollars and the wisdom of how you came to acquire that million dollars to make more.
As I said, it’s a DIFFERENT kind of smart. However, it’s the kind of smart that runs our world currently and there is no room for any other smarts when it comes to money, power and glory.
It’s a similar thinking to that of chess or poker. How can I outthink the guy next to me. It’s a game, a competition and are you good at video games?
I heard you like the bad girls honey
Is that true?
-Lana Del Rey Video Games
This brings me to the real-life “Lana Del Rey type,” who I saw interviewed on the TDOACEO (the diary of a ceo) last night.
It was a great interview with a woman who was born to a family with no money, her brothers were high achievers at school, and she was not.
But she was emotionally intelligent and was “born to run,” as Bruce Springsteen would describe it.
This brings me to the real-life “Lana Del Rey type,” who I saw interviewed on the TDOACEO last night. It was a great interview with a woman who was born to a family with not much money, her brothers were high achievers at school, and she was not.
But she was emotionally intelligent and was “born to run,” as Bruce would describe it.
Molly’s story is very entertaining because it involves all the usual things that an interesting story contains. Mystery, “the outsider” who gets to see the inside, the rich and famous, “the elite”, violence and verdict.
You may have seen the film, Molly’s Game. I have never heard of it, but I gave up on the film industry, Hollywood especially, a long time ago. Plus, even though the book sold 10 copies only, I think the story is meant to be told live. It was very engaging as told in narrative by Molly herself. I always prefer the story from the source to it’s book interpreted narrative, Molly’s story still had spin told by her, but I like hearing people tell their story. The most ordinary seeming person also has an engaging story, it’s how you tell it and how much it effected you in how well or not well it is received. It has to mean something to be engaging.
However, if the narrative is real enough to trick my brain into thinking it is real, that’s probably propaganda, and I do love propaganda as much as it’s ruined my life. However, if I have been tricked into thinking it’s real, then this simply means that it’s a super competent narrative.
While I liked partially listening in on this story Molly was telling, there were quite a few holes in it. I understand she probably had time pressures, which may have accounted for all the “cut to the chase” jumps in story.
I would have enjoyed the story more if the subtle linear notes had also been included, not just the action scenes. However, even the stories she does get to tell about her roller coaster ride of a nightmare experience with a semi-predictable outcome, are very engaging. (Predictable to me now as a mature adult, but this narrative was one that played out in my life many times over when I was 20 to 27, ignorant to or not caring about the end result).
I could tell which stories were the truth and which stories were glazed over a little to make herself seem more heroic. However, the truthful narratives could have been just as heroic, but it would have put Molly in a place of anti-hero or a human being, which possibly is too much for Hollywood or the entertainment industry.
In my favourite films, the main character usually is just as evil as their enemies. And most great films I know play to this narrative.
Most humans I know who I admire are evil. Evil is honest.
It’s starts off as a very Lana Del Rey-esque storyline, it reminds me of that song Lana has that goes:
When I was a waitress wearing a tight dress, handling the heat
I wasn't famous, just listening to Kings of Leon to the beat
Like, look at how I got this
Look how I got this, just singing in the street
Down at the Men in Music Business Conference
I felt free 'cause I was only 19
Such a scene
White Dress is the name of that song, however, not the only relevant comparison. Compatible also, is Lana’s mysterious relationship with Harvey Weinstein and her intoxication on his lifestyle and power he possessed. She obviously grasped onto this power very strategically. It’s all very reminiscent of the start of Molly’s story.
Molly gets invited to be a waitress at a poker game in LA with her boss who she thought was firing her, and he was, but ends up giving her another job at this exclusive poker game instead, because he liked her personality. Attendees of this poker game included Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, various billionaires, well-known bankers and movie producers, basically a very “elite” group of men.
This “elite vibe,” was like a narcotic to Molly, and she instantly (as women usually do to get their way), learnt how to manipulate the men in the situation in order to groom them and make her presence in their life feel indispensable. The art of seduction comes to mind. (Ok maybe not all women would think to do this, but the few who want more to life then is offered to us as women would).
I don’t know enough women to know this for sure, but I’m pretty sure all women have done this at least once In their lives to some varying degree. I did to a very dangerously high degree, and I wasn’t messing around. I was in full seduction manipulation mode and I got the job done. However, much like Molly, the ending to the story was less than ideal.
Molly’s narrative plays out like a semi well-written Netflix original movie script, because I do believe she’s decided to tell the myth over the actual story. I believe that in the actual story, Mollys completely evil from day one to when she’s sitting in that chair on TDOACEO being interviewed by the ignorant misogynist (lol Im kidding I don’t think that about him, however boys like him need to watch their actions when dealing with female issues. It’s akin to “positive racism”).
A woman who goes that far for power, can’t be a good person. This is played out well also by Lana Del Rey, with lyrics like:
You talk lots about God
Freedom comes from the call
But that's not what this bitch wants
Not what I want at all
I want money, power and glory
I want money and all your power, all your glory
Hallelujah, I wanna take you for all that you got
And Molly did take these men for all they got. Molly was determined and went on to do the impossible in New York City (NYC) some years later. However, I can completely understand how she made it possible. The pursuit of power is like no other, and you will always find yourself going against everything you ever stood for to get it.
When Molly’s LA poker waitressing/ event holding job came to an end, she goes to university in the city. However, she wasn’t done with the power poker world yet, still not having hit rock bottom on the power drug yet, the cravings worsened. Molly couldn’t stand to go on as a regular human after such a thrill. Also, the thought that it’s still all going on out there without her, was enough drive to get exactly what she wanted and also didn’t want.
Molly knows no one in NYC when she arrives, and she goes from knowing no one to holding $250,000 buy-in poker games only reserved for the most powerful poker players in NYC.
I’m thinking at this point, this woman doesn’t give a fuck about poker. She uses this knowledge that powerful rich people play poker, to meet the rich and powerful and groom them.
By this point, she knows the power drug is the real reason why she’s taking these huge, mostly illegal risks but is probably being clouded by mania. She also starts stepping on the toes of the Italian Mafia, who eventually come visit her and bash the fuck out of her for doing so.
When you need power, you will get to places and do things most people would find impossible or just very dangerous, to have it. Think about a junkie, ever watched Trainspotting?
I’ve been there with chasing that power drug, I have this theory that the non-chemical based addictions are so much more worse than the chemical ones. Because denial is much higher in these cases, because the reasons for taking such huge fatal risks in your life and hurting people is not as obvious as shooting up Heroin. And there is a answer to how to get off Heroin, there’s no rehabs for a power addiction. But there are many women who have one, and we are all very dangerous people to know at our peak. Mostly to ourselves, and our boyfriends. (Poor boyfriends).
I have done the impossible, and I've been that person to get to where I want to be, despite the haters and the odds stacked against me. The hunt for power is boundless, and it knows no limits. But are your intensions good or bad? That’s where we hit a cross road and things start to pan out very differently.
Hallelujah, I wanna take you for all that you got
So, long story short, she puts on this big $250,000 buy in game, some idiot loses 100 million dollars in this game, and the stakes start getting higher for Molly. At this point, Molly is a multi-millionaire herself and an evil bitch, as she tells the story during this period, being mean to her boyfriend (see) and the Mafia bashing her ect.
Italian mafia come at her, and so do the Feds. They freeze all of her accounts and stop her from leaving the city. She borrows money and leaves anyway and goes back to her parents, but she is arrested in Colorado shortly after she arrives by the FBI. She gets charged with a possible sentence of 90-years in jail and it stares her directly in the face.
This is where Hollywood started to take over in her narrative, in my opinion. Molly claims that they offer her a deal, they say she can keep the money (30 million dollars) and she won’t go to jail, if she tells them info about some of these billionaires that played at her games.
Molly claims NOT to have TAKEN THIS OFFER LOL. I don’t think she did either. Unnecessary. She knew this straight away. Then the story goes she miraculously gets a warning instead of the 90 years…….Wait….WHAT??!
In this interview she is saying some bullshit like she would never have snitched on the billionaires, the one’s she once groomed and manipulated and whom she described as “pety and insecure.”
My guess, is that she would have found out what the FBI wanted, gone and called whatever billionaires they were interested in. She would have blackmailed them by saying she would give up said information on them if they didn’t influence or pay a bribe to the judge, who possibly could have been at these poker games himself, there is a good chance she knew this judge who was hearing her case. But whoever she had to get to influence this verdict obviously did so, and she was saved without snitching. And I believe this was the right this to do. They shouldn’t have got off scot free, they were also there playing illegally with her, so they should of helped her.
This way she gets to look like a loyal bitch to the billionaires and elite, by not snitching and the story ends in her being a woman with a heart of gold who really “cares.”
Fortunately for her, the billionaires likely ran a large sanction of the corrupt FBI to also. She would have known there were many options for her, either way.
The FBI aren’t very smart. You think they would have better strategies than that to get her to talk. Seems strange. But I never underestimate a cops stupidity. No offence to the smart cops.
By the way, I can’t be 100% sure this is how the original story played out, but if she hadn’t thought of that, and I did in a heartbeat of hearing it, then I’ll be damned. I stand corrected, and Molly risked a 90-year jail sentence for the love and care for the billionaires. (That’s not even half believable.)
This story resonated with me, because I have always felt like that outsider like Molly, who was desperate to get inside for the power, doing the most nasty and abusive things to myself, and to those around me to get it. Especially to men.
This was all because of that day at Newtown High School of Performing Arts, as I stood in line to see the vice principal, as usual, to get my fraudulent early leave certificate signed off or my leave early pass with a fraudulent letter from my mother.
I knew the principal’s office very well. I was a concerning student to my principle, who thought I was wasting a spot being there because I wasn’t contributing at all to any performing arts at the time. That, and I used to fight with my french teacher a lot. I really hated her, but I can’t remember why. Looking back she seemed pretty cool.
My principle issues aside, I still managed to talk my high school principal into allowing me to come to school late every day at 10.30 am, because I lived so far away. (I guess I did, but as if that was her issue, she granted me this privilege though. I still don’t understand why to this day. I should have been a lawyer really).
However, on that day in particular, I forget what I was doing in the principles office that day, but it was a lot more crowded than it usually was. It must have been recess.
I was In line that day in the office at school, two people were ahead of me, when I looked over to this senior who looked like Drastic from Heartbreak High. He was staring at me really intensely. I didn’t know what to think, boys in my own year at high school showed no interest in me whatsoever, the opposite! So I wasn’t used to this attention. It became obvious to me, why he was staring at me and I was hit with this blast of power throughout my brain, by the fact that in that moment, I possessed a massive amount of power over this senior boy.
I think the boys in my own year never showed any interest in me, because the popular girls from my year hated me and I was considered social suicide to show any interest in. Lol.
However, the senior boys and girls didn’t know me, so I continued to target senior boys from that day onwards and lead them on until they got tired of me and realised I was just a tease. I guess I was, but it was worth it, it made my life worth living, but it was probably the beginning of my hate for men. Because I just started seeing them as a tool I could use to get power from and they ceased to become human to me anymore after a while.
That power that came over me, by Kieran (The Drasic guy, I ended up knowing his name for he was also in the principles office a lot too, he was a bad boy lol), checking me out super intensely, was actually something I was really scared to explore, even though I really wanted to. Thankfully, I didn’t have the confidence to explore it too deeply during high school or my teen years. (Which I’m thankful for, because being a stupid teen seeking that kind of power from men, could have got me into some dangerous situations).
However, that hit of power I felt as a 13-year-old girl, NEVER left me and when it came to the right time to start hunting it again, I still didn’t really have the confidence to pursue it to it’s full capacity, but the amount I did pursue it, accounted for my intense Xanax addiction for 10 painful years, starting at 21 years old.
That first power hit was brutally intoxicating and it set me on a path to find this sense of power anywhere and anyhow I could ending in PTSD, death and just nothingness. It was truly the beginning of the end for me.
I chased that power for a good 18 years after that incident and it nearly killed me; I'm surprised every day I'm still alive. Especially after the dark predator years, with my Dr Evil-esque need for WORLD DOMINATION. This was my whole life up until only a couple of years ago.
I do believe Molly being put in her place by the law and the Italian mafia humbled her, and I don’t blame her one bit or judge her for doing what she did and seeking that power. I’m glad she did. What was the alternative? Live a normal boring life? There’s no competition for which choice wins for women like Lana, Molly or I. We always take the latter, just in different ways.
I probably always will, just maybe for different reasons these days. Ill choose the good path over the evil one, it’s much more substantial.
Open up a beer
And you say, "Get over here
And play a video game"
It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
I tell you all the time
Heaven is a place on earth with you
Tell me all the things you wanna do
I heard that you like the bad girls
Honey, is that true?
It's better than I ever even knew
They say that the world was built for two
Only worth living if somebody, is loving you
Well, baby…
NOW, you do.
-Lana Del Rey
Video Games
Verity xoxox
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Copyright Danica Conwell 2024 all rights reserved.
Music video by Lana Del Rey. “Harvey’s in the sky with diamonds and it’s making me crazy.” Song: Cola from album Paradise.
Pictures taken from Google and Pinterest. They are not mine I did not take or make them.
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