I replied within 2 mins regarding your makeup. I text you saying ld locked it in letterbox 33 and keys to padlock were in your letterbox.

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Why did u do thwt

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Why did I do that?

I was dropping off your makeup that you'd left at my place.

How should of I done it?

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I'm on kanyes side if it isn't bloody obvious ha. Be gone incel. Love it

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It's a decoy. A diversion. Another one of those 'Lpok over here while the real story is happening over here. Like Depp Vs Heard Will Smith Vs Chris Rock. The real story is elsewhere while all the sheep are distracted.

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The supreme court justice in trump trial was a "Stop the steal" supporter".....wow now I'm up to date and I'm bored still. It's a circus for 2 year olds. 2 year olds don't even know what they are looking at let alone will they remember....ya feel?

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you stole my make up....can you give it back loser?

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babe when are you going to realised WE CAN NOT WIN. no matter what story we follow. All you can do is read between the lines and maybe get the vibe. but the best thing to do is to walk outside and look around you and wats going on in the streets. THATS REAL AND THATS WHATS HAPPENING, and its the best read on whats actually going on. NOTICE

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kanye? IS THE STORY. HE was the first to call out lucien grainge. on that low key nothing podcast he was on and he did that on purpose. hes not exposing kim but hes giving hints and has been for some time she is involved. BBIG reason for their divorce and them trying to take kids off him. THEY WANT THE KIDS.

idk it all doesn't quite make sense yet....NO MORE PARTIES IN LA.....says kanye on pablo and he has been releasing photos of him and that lyric lately.

idk suge knight wasnt saying nothing about p,diddy potentiall being guilty. nothing, and he hates diddy. so we shall see.......see what kanye is doing isnt the main story, hes showing up on some local podcast dropping his drake diss track world premiere on there. saying fuck lucien grainge and FUCK THE NBA.

and the diss track was not available to be played in australia for a few days, it was uploaded by kanye and taken down and then put back up under republic records.

so kanye is not being controlled by this guy hes independent but he fears for his life or not fears but hes ready to be suicided. hes been ready to be sudicded for some time.....get the suicide doors up i do suicide on the tour bus......can you not comment after you have just had a hit of meth.....you say weiird. stuff about trump and porn stars and dont actally read what i write and get it wrong and can you stick to the topic please....thanks...

listen to beg forgivness, he talks about "if i die tonight just make sure my kids are alright...." - if they kill kanye. im going taxi driver on those cunts

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Why the silence on Harvey Weinstein having his rape conviction overturned in the New York Appeals Court? The same corrupted Court that's hearing Trumps made up charges of fraud coz he f#*ked a Pornstar and paid her a $20k nondisclosure. The #MeToo mob have little to say. The media also remain silent. Shows who's side theyre on.

Who's side are you on?

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You can rape porn stars..

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You can. But you shouldn't. Im sure it's still a crime no matter what the victims occupation is. Besides in Trumps case a $20k payment along with no claim from Stormy Daniels of rape.would suggest it wasn't rape.

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Trumps game so obviously it astounds me you people are falling for it. The cia must be so happy one of their plans has worked so well.

...mk ultra seemed to be a bit of a blunder......trump Is all over the news at the moment.....Weinstein not so much and we know he was a.rapist....seems weird.

So what are they distracting u from Jason

Because they got your attention well and truly

I think it was rude of them to start ww3 between the government and the people without telling the people. I guess they thought we pick up on it.....they gave us too much credit if so...

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You think the CIA are happy with Trump? You think the Deep State/Shadow Government are happy with their position? They ain't.

The Banks are all broke. It's the weakest they've ever been. We"ve got em right where we want them.

We going to crash the whole f*cken diseased corrupt system down on top of them. Its going to be Biblical.

While your watching Drake and Kendrick play tit for tat Israel have executed Iran President and Foreign Minister.

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I dont buy into conspiracy theories. I rather look at reality - you like the word OBSERVATION dont you all? Well start doing it but not on any screen do it in the streets, when at the shops, when peole innteract, what kinds of people are around you, what are they aware of, what are they talking about, what has your attention, what doesnt, what has their attention, what are they not talking about that is actually happening right now? how do we know whats happening right now? we OBSERVE our reality. think globlally act locally.

and sure you can vote but if you vote you're the product. That's my new one lol

pay the fine and then you become a customer of the government not a product of it. This is how I see voting these days and id rather be a customer than a product of ANYTHING in my life, its why I pay Apple and it's why i Pay Youtube and its why I pay for all the things I use these days as much as i can afford. Substack is free but I charge half the time so im a seller using substack as a platform and if you not paying for a subscription to my podcast I will make you the product soon enough.

i have 8 paid subs and 200 free.

sounds a bit dire.


This means i HAVE a database of 200 (mostly) escort clients emails. Which Is pretty good and its growing by 5-10% every week.

so you just never know what your data is being used for if you are getting something for free. nothing is free

including voting

but anyway

you deep state - click bait word loving terrence howard loving idiots - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_U5sh_bxrs

are helping the other side win WW3 fucking wake up and stop being so easily led by belief over fact. the only facts are those you can observe away from a screen. right now anyway...

i knw i can trust kanye because unlike qanon, kanye actually did say diddy was a fed in 2022 and then what happening now?? thats callled not a profit, its called a person giving the public information that they will want to know that they are being kept from. this is called the man who left the cave, came back down to te cave to tell the cave men the truth and the cave men call him a crazy man. hate him. KILL HIM.

"if i die tonight make sure that my kids are alright." - kanye west 2024. "beg forgiveness"

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lol yeah ISRAEL and PALESTINE - totally real and not.a product of corruption.....anyone heard about russia or china lately? .....me neither. been pretty quiet on that front or the smart state melb is about to slowly morph into an before we know it we will ALL BE IN PRISON....yeah nah, israel is the worry, SURRRREEE

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I THINK you are delusional....

and a tiny bit stupid...

you dart from topic to topic without knowing any facts about any of them and without any intention of contributing to improving the non fact based worries that trouble you so...

money is our last worry in this world. you think the "elite" are worried about money? noooooooooo....money is money its easy to make and means nothing so people should stop placing so much importance on it and the banks and be more concerned with the crazy old men running the world and brain washing us all and placing us in a war with them and not telling us. world was 3 started when you bought your first smart phone. thats when we started policing ourselves for them.

ww3 is us verse them. and it started a long time ago. wake up. its so obvious

oh and we dont win this war they didnt tell us they started btw, with their 20 year head start approx, we got no chance. so...









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Taking into consideration this is open to the public, I won't insult you on your own public forum. Even after being accused of stupidity and of going off topic, though it wasn't me that brought up your makeup that you left behind. Surely that's gota be classed as going off topic?

Anyway....Back on topic. Wait.. What was the topic? I forget.

But the last thing these elite want is a war against us. Coz we outnumber them by about a Million to One and we'll smash em. United we are strong, divides we are weak. Ever heard that before? Nothing rings truer. It's a FACT. The elite are the Banks. People think the Federal Reserve Bank is the Government because of the name Federal. But FACT is, it isn't.

The Federal Reserve Bank is a private Organisation. The entire banking sector is owned by 13 families.The Government borrows money from the Federal Reserve which we have to pay back through our taxes which inturn makes us all slaves of this corrupted system. FACT. They orchestrated both World Wars1 and 2 and every conflict in-between and after. They back both sides and are the only real 'winners

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no it doesnt ....lol

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when it comes to rape and things like that it becomes bigger than donald trump as a human being it becomes political and how they handle that case dictates how rape cases are handled in general thats why you need to be careful about what you say about rape. you really arent careful. and it needs alot of care, so maybe leave that topic to those with a wider perspective and give my stuff back you stole from me thanks

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